This Show Is Tonight: ManRay goes disco for 54th of July

Photo Credit: Mike Fulham / ManRay

If Mother Nature is going to rain on our entire July 4 holiday weekend, then Daddy Nurture has to provide us some fun indoors. So we’re taking on the eve of Fourth of July tonight (July 3) at ManRay, where “A Disco Revolution” goes down at the alternative nightclub for the aptly-titled, one-night-only 54th of July dance party.

One of ManRay’s Thursday night Campus party DJs, the trusted Brian Halligan, delivers the throwback disco goods all night, and ManRay inviting us to rekindle the long-gone magic of the iconic New York City venue, suggesting that “creative, ’70s, and Studio 54 attire [is] extremely encouraged.”

A full night of beats n’ treats, some colorful fireworks of the dance night variety, and the ability to sleep in tomorrow suddenly turns this rainy and drab Monday into a vibrant technicolor Saturday. “We know you got the next day off so come get your boogie on,” ManRay declares.

Get into it, hot stuff.

54TH OF JULY :: Monday, July 3 at ManRay, 40 Prospect St. in Cambridge, MA :: 9 p.m. to 2 a.m., 19-plus, $12 before 10 p.m. and $15 after :: Event page