Echosmith ride a bittersweet wave of dramatic alt-pop with ‘Sour’

Photo Credit: Nightdove Studios

We just raced past the 10-year anniversary of Echosmith’s breakout hit “Cool Kids,” and once we finish blasting out all those “wanna feel old” tweets, we’re faced with the even-cooler notion that even a decade on, the California alt-pop trio are showing no signs of slowing down. This past Friday (June 2), Sydney Sierota and the boys released a sterling new single called “Sour,” an enchanting synth-spiced alt-pop cruiser inspired by Sierota’s long-distance relationship with her husband and all the frustrations and anxieties that come with such a situation.

The memorable “Sour” is an infectious earworm that dazzles around its mature subject matter. It sets a dramatic tone for Echosmith’s forthcoming self-titled album that hits July 28, and it showcases Sierota opening up about her personal life.

“Sometimes long-distance relationships can leave a bitter taste,” says Sierota. “The space apart makes you worry: Is this helping us grow stronger or are we just growing apart? Is what we gain really worth it? ‘You’re taking a plane and you’re taking my heart’ hits home extra hard because it’s literally about my husband being a pilot in Florida while I lived in California.”

She adds: “On opposite sides of the country, we were chasing our dreams and chasing each other but writing this song helped me realize what’s really important — being together. ‘Sour’ was born out of a really hard season but now that I’m on the other side, I’m thankful for what we learned. ‘Sour’ is exactly that — it’s bittersweet.”

It’s also pretty fucking great.