Blondes prove quite preferable on sonic seducer ‘Love In The Afternoon’

Photo Credit: Charlie Barclay Harris

It was once famously said that gentlemen prefer blondes. Well, pretty soon, everyone’s gonna love Blondes, the young English trio straight outta Nottingham who today (March 9) unleash an absolute belter called “Love In The Afternoon,” which straddles a seductive line between indie ambition and modern rock magnetism.

Issued by C3 Records, “Love In The Afternoon” follows 2021 EP Out The Neighbourhood, which helped propel the quartet to millions of Spotify streams and billions of TikTok views. That’s all well and good, but we’re here purely for the sonic rapture at play in this massive new single.

“This song is one of our absolute favourites, it’s been in the live set since last year and feels so exciting to play,” the band says. “We’ve been out of action for a little while so wanted to punch back in with something lively. Our producer Antony Genn really pushed us to kick this song into the next gear up and we feel really proud of what we’ve made. We’re so excited for everyone to hear it.”

Quite preferable, indeed.

Experience “Love In The Afternoon” at any point in the day or night below.