The music of Skott has the ability to transport us to new worlds. But it’s at its best when she’s inviting us to her own. The Swedish alt-pop artist has today (January 27) detailed her new album, the wonderfully titled Roses N Guns, set for March 3 release via Cosmos Music, and with it comes a lush lullaby single in “Hail Mary” that cradles the dramatic pursuit of love in a very uncaring environment. “It’s a prayer of desperation, a long shot in the dark, a ‘Hail Mary pass from the far end of the field when you have nothing left to lose,” says Skott. “It’s your last chance for something or someone and you have to go all-in, like it’s now or never. The lyrics are layered with references to American football and spirituality, tied to the feeling of grasping for something that’s slipping away between your fingers.” Embrace her atmospherics below.
Skott cradles us in the dramatic pursuit of love with ‘Hail Mary’

Photo Credit: Peter Yushichi St James