Evil Tongues weave a synth-pop safety net in the rousing ‘Catch Me’

Via the band

Of all our family members, for a lot of us, the conversations that we’ve had with our grandparents are the ones we seem to carry with us closest through adulthood. For Jennifer Di of Evil Tongues, a conversation she had with her grandfather before he passed helped inspire the Toronto electronic-pop duo’s rousing new single “Catch Me,’ which dropped this past Friday (November 18). Di was living in the Niagara Region at the time of the talk, and her elder assured her that while she was meant for greater things, she had to venture out and leave home to experience them. Fast forward a few years, and her project, alongside Mike Allain, is beginning to make waves.

And the latest to crash upon the shores of synth is “Catch Me,” a pulsating daydream of a tune that weaves in and out of a hypnotic twirl with ethereal ease.

“From a young age, I’ve always been pretty focused on going after my dreams, which I’ve learned also comes with a lot of sacrifices,” Di adds. “As much as I don’t regret any of the decisions that I’ve made to get here, every now and then a little voice inside my head questions has this all really been worth it And if everything falls apart, will anyone be there to catch me? Or have I sacrificed too much? This song was written about one of those conversations that I had with myself, and acknowledging my fears yet blowing past them.”

Sadly, Di’s grandfather passed away in 2020, and never heard the music she’s made with Evil Tongues. But she carries his ashes with her in a necklace and has his memory tattooed in her skin, so, she says, “that he’ll always be with me as I keep moving forward.” And if she falls, she knows there’s a safety net to catch her.