Ken Reid launches 31 days of ‘TV Guidance Counselor’ shorts

Whether it be in the form of stand-up albums or his wildly successful podcast, we’ve become almost accustomed to getting heavy, hilarious doses of Ken Reid. Now, for at least the month of October, we’re getting the same Ken Reid, but for shorter, spookier spurts every day.

Starting on October 1, the comedian and podcast host has set out to pepper his intriguingly in-depth dissections of TV and pop culture all over the month of October, with one short blast of TV Guidance Counselor content every day through Halloween. With the familiar focus on “vintage” TV as he employs on TV Guidance Counselor, Reid gives suggestions and a mind-boggling amount of behind-the-scenes factoids and commentary for a slew of Halloween specials and episodes that help us remember the sweet, nostalgic wonder of digging into your neighborhood candy loot while watching shows and movies that would surely keep you wide-eyed and petrified longer than your folks were hoping to put up with it.

But time moves faster as we get older, so sitting down for an all-out fright fest may not exactly be in the cards like you’d want it to be, so for at least a few minutes, Reid is happy to provide some fun-sized, spookycentric content to satisfy our sweet tooth.

Check it out.