STEFAN THEV encounters ‘ghouls! zombies! skeletons!’ on new single


STEFAN THEV’s new single asks the hard questions. “You ever seen a lifeless corpse and it looks like you?” he muses on “‘ghouls! zombies! skeletons!”, his groovy, ghastly tune that dropped last week (February 24). He pauses before his pained retort: “I have! / And it ain’t that cool!”

Weaving between frantic queries and confessional exclamations, “ghouls! zombies! skeletons!” speaks through a torrent of pointed punctuation. Your music would too, if you had “enough demons for a Michael Jackson Thriller cast on [your] ass”.

In just under three minutes, the Brockton artist explores the eerie aftermath of nightmares using a character he calls “Corduroy Boy,” who dodges assorted horrors as the questions keep coming. “You ever had weights tied while you drown in a pool?” THEV inquires, pulling Corduroy Boy — and listeners — deeper into his labyrinth. “You ever seen your loved ones tears fall all on you?”

“This is the prelude to the ‘corduroy boy’ saga,” THEV shares with Vanyaland. “This was inspired by a series of bad dreams I had, ‘voodoo queen’ being the first of that and this being the second.”

It’s creepy! Candid! Clever! Otherwise known as the the best thing you’ll hear this side of spooky season.

Enter the nightmare below.
