Open up ‘The Book of Boba Fett’ with this first trailer

Boba Fett
Still from 'The Mandalorian' by Disney Plus

As teased at the end of The Mandalorian‘s second season, Boba Fett’s back to kick some ass and take some names in The Book of Boba Fett, a brand-new streaming series on Disney+, which will drop roughly around the same time that most Mando seasons do. Disney dropped a trailer for the series earlier on Monday, and it looks pretty goddamn swell, but we are kind of curious why this is replacing Mando season 3, especially after ending on that pretty crazy sort-of cliffhanger that the series finished with last year. Well, whatever. Certainly the seven-year-old in us is freaking the hell out right about now, logic and reason and emotions be damned, and we can’t wait to check out whatever backwater hell-holes in the Star Wars universe we’ll be crawling into with Boba in just a short couple of weeks.

Peep it:

Here’s a synopsis:

“‘The Book of Boba Fett,’ a thrilling Star Wars adventure teased in a surprise end-credit sequence following the Season 2 finale of ‘The Mandalorian,’ finds legendary bounty hunter Boba Fett and mercenary Fennec Shand navigating the galaxy’s underworld when they return to the sands of Tatooine to stake their claim on the territory once ruled by Jabba the Hutt and his crime syndicate.”

The Book of Boba Fett will air its first episode on December 29, which is when it will become available to stream for all Disney+ subscribers. It’s a little strange that Disney is dropping this after Christmas, given that they normally love dominating the holiday conversation with their Star Wars TV shows, but hey, there are Marvel shows for your 11-year-old cousin to yell at you about now while you continue to stuff bites of ham and mashed potato into your gaping maw. Hell, you could just go ahead and call that thing the Sarlacc.