Ask a Punk: Watch the ‘Boston Basement Brigade’ docuseries trailer


Boston’s music scene has always been one of a wide network of dedicated communities in and out of the public eye, and now the DIY punk, metal, and hardcore basement scene of the 2000s is getting the spotlight treatment in a new docuseries. It’s called Boston Basement Brigade, and its first trailer just dropped a few days ago.

Boston Basement Brigade takes us back to 2008, when bands like Intheshit, Powerglove, and Ancient Filth packed DIY spaces and created a lively underground scene across the city.

“The underground bands who put Boston on the map couldn’t get a gig if their lives depended on it (and sometimes they did),” declares the docuseries’ description. “Bands had to book out months and months in advance, just to land a Tuesday night at the Bland Rock Saloon, and most bands couldn’t even get that! With nowhere left to turn, the underground community took the streets back by turning their rented flop houses into a Punk Rock paradise. They transformed their dingy dirty basements into full-blown hardcore music venues.”

More details on the project are promised soon, but it looks pretty fucking healthy so far.

Check out the trailer below, and do the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme every time you recognize someone. Hell, if you’re reading this, you’re probably in it.