We expected The Flash to be present in some way, shape or form at DC FanDome on Saturday, but we weren’t quite as sure what we would be seeing. Over the course of a jokey, ten-minute panel, a bearded and shaggy Ezra Miller regaled the audience with “Flash Facts” as director Andy Muschietti, producer Barbara Muschetti, and screenwriter Christina Hodson shared choice tidbits about their vision for the project. And then, near the end of the panel, Muschietti unveiled some never-before-seen concept art from the film, which is perhaps the most exciting thing to emerge from this digital festival so far.
First up is an image of Barry Allen’s new suit, which looks a little more form-fitting and a lot less armored than his appearance in the Zack Snyder films a few years ago:

It’s pretty clearly inspired by the costume the character sported in the early days of the New 52 relaunch of the title, but it’s been softened a little bit as well as formatted to, say, exist alongside Wonder Woman and Aquaman’s new outfits. However, the biggest surprise came next, and offered confirmation for a big rumor that appeared earlier on line this year.
That’s right, here’s concept art of Michael Keaton’s Batman alongside Miller’s Flash:

It’s just a hint — a slight tease of cooler things to come — but holy shit. We’ve also got confirmation from Muschietti later on in the panel that Bruce Wayne will be the one redesigning Flash’s suit and will be a mentor to Barry as well.
The panel was pretty clearly previously recorded, which prevented any acknowledgement of the recent announcement that Ben Affleck’s Batman would be returning in the film. But still, we think this was pretty clearly more than anybody else expected from this short-ass panel, and we’re glad we got to check it out.
The Flash hits theaters in Summer 2022. Stay tuned for more news and tidbits from the day-long virtual convention — The Suicide Squad is up next.