Das Body build up their pop’s darker energy on ‘On Request’

Photo Credit: Hsiang Hsiang Wang

Perhaps the best compliment we could pay Das Body — or any band, artist, or project, for that matter — is that when word of a new song hits our radar, our first thought is generally “We wonder what this will sound like?” That’s the mood this week as the Norwegian crew, known for their wonderfully disjointed and dismantling approach to darker shades of pop music, hit us with a swirling bass-driven track called “On Request.”

And it’s batshit beautiful. And something of an experiment, apparently.

“Lyrically it’s about when you have the confidence to take on any kind of request, but you’re confused about what the request actually is, so all that unspent energy keeps building up and is never released,” says singer Ellie Linden. “Musically it’s Das Body exploring what happens when we plug into our guitar amps without a plan late at night, releasing a lot of energy just to see what happens. So… Let’s hope that never happens again hahah.”

We request just the opposite, in fact. Dive into the noise below.