Black Lives Matter and aligned causes recipients of Boston music sales

As Bandcamp once again waives its revenue share from the platform’s sales today (June 5), many artists and record labels have plans to donate the extra revenue to Black Lives Matter and similar causes.

Bandcamp initially designated specific dates to waive their share of music and merch sales in order to help support musicians who had lost income during the COVID-19 pandemic. The last edition, which took place on May 1, paid artists a whopping $7.1 million. Yet, today through midnight Pacific, many bands and labels are looking to use the money earned from the special occasion to give back to Black Lives Matter-aligned organizations, as the country protests the ongoing issue of police brutality.

Vanyaland has assembled a list of Boston- and New-England-based acts, as well as record labels, who are using their additional funds from today’s Bandcamp sales to donate to worthy causes that seek to end police brutality and protect Black lives. This is not a complete list, and we will be updating it throughout the day.

Get spendin’.

Boston and New England-based bands:

Bicycle Inn: Donating all Bandcamp sales to Black Visions Collective, the Massachusetts Bail Fund, NAACP, Reclaim the Block, the Freedom Fund, Unicorn Riot, and the Minnesota Freedom Fund.

Big Time Kill: Donating Bandcamp sales of Burn Out to the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund.

Dephrase: Donating all Bandcamp sales of Linda to Black Visions Collective throughout the month of June.

Tanya Donelly: Donating all Bandcamp sales to NAACP Legal Defense Fund today “and through to next release.”

debt.: Donating all Bandcamp sales to bail funds and prison abolition groups

Dzö-nga: Donating all Bandcamp sales to the National Bail Fund Network. “We will also add a $5 donation to every LP sold through the Avantgarde Music Bandcamp page.”

Eyewitness: Donating all Bandcamp sales through today (June 5) to Colin Kaepernick’s Know Your Rights Camp and Communities United Against Police Brutality.

Future Teens: Donating all Bandcamp sales to Black Lives Matter Boston and the Act Blue bail fund.

Glacier: Donating all Bandcamp sales (physical and digital) through Monday (June 8) to Violence In Boston Inc. After June 8, digital sales proceeds will continue to be donated to Violence In Boston Inc.

Evan Greer: Donating all Bandcamp sales from “Punk Rock Angel From Montgomery” (a punk cover of John Prine’s “Angel From Montgomery”) to a combination of Black​-​led LGBTQ organizations.

Hallelujah The Hills: Donating all Bandcamp sales to Black Lives Matter.

Hidden Knives: Donating all Bandcamp sales from this weekend (June 5 – June 7) to the National Bail Fund Network.

House of Harm: Matching “every dollar made during that 24 hours (June 5) up to $500 and send[ing] 100 percent of proceeds between and”

Maeko: Donating all Bandcamp proceeds from Good Grief sales to Campaign Zero and Innocence Project. Maeko will match the sum of the sales with his own donation.

Jill McCracken: Donating all Bandcamp sales of “Don’t Worry Baby” (Beach Boys cover) to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund

Phantom Ocean: Donating all Bandcamp sales from this weekend (June 5 – June 7) to the National Bail Fund Network

Pilgrims of Yearning: Donating this week’s Bandcamp sales to Massachusetts Black Women Attorneys.

Rah Zen: Donating all Bandcamp sales of In Rah Form Vol. 1 from this week (May 29 to June 5) to Color of Change.

Sad13: Donating all Bandcamp sales to bail funds “through at least this weekend” (June 6 and 7).

Sidewalk Driver: Donating all digital Bandcamp sales to Color of Change.

Squirrel Flower: Donating all Bandcamp sales to Black Trans Protestors Emergency Fund, Black Socialists in America, and Reparations for Black People Fund.

These Wild Plains: Donating all Bandcamp sales to the Boston chapter of Black Lives Matter.

TIFFY: Donating 100 percent of digital and physical Bandcamp sales to Black Visions Collective and various city bail funds (50 percent of cassette tape sales will be donated to these causes as well).

Tysk Tysk Task: Donating 50 percent of merch sales and 100 percent of music sales to the Massachusetts Bail Fund through next Friday (June 12).

Walter Sickert & the Army of Broken Toys: Donating Bandcamp sales from this week (June 1 to June 7) to Black Visions Collective.

Record Labels

Atlantic Rhythms: Donating all digital Bandcamp sales to Movement For Black Lives.

Cascine: Donating 100 percent of the label’s share of Bandcamp sales to Black Visions Collective.

Disposable America: Splitting all Bandcamp sales between donations to Reclaim The Block and Black & Pink Boston

Don Giovanni: “The overwhelming majority of our artists are donating 100% the money that comes in, on this day that was designed to sustain them, to be split between 70+ community bail funds, mutual aid funds, and racial justice organizers.”

Double Double Whammy: Donating 100 percent of Bandcamp sales to The Movement for Black Lives and The Loveland Foundation.

Exploding In Sound: Donating all Bandcamp sales to Campaign Zero and the National Bailout Fund. Exploding In Sound has promised to match the first $400 in sales.

Father/Daughter: “Going forward, we will donate $1 from every item sold from our Bandcamp” to Black Lives Matter.

Fat Possum: Donating 15 percent of all Bandcamp sales to the local Boys & Girls Club in Oxford, Mississippi.

Five By Two: All bands on the label – Pillbook, Circus Trees, and The Light Inside Me Is Dead – will donate all Bandcamp sales to Violence In Boston Inc.

Get Better: Donating 100 percent both the label’s and artists’ shares of Bandcamp sales to Black and Pink National and the Philadelphia Community Bail Fund.

Light In The Attic: Donating all label profits from Bandcamp sales to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund.

No Sleep: Donating and matching all Bandcamp sales to The Bail Project, Black Visions Collective, Facing History and Ourselves, George Floyd, and Reclaim the Block.

Polyvinyl: Donating $5 of every physical order to NAACP LDF.

Run For Cover: “Many [Run For Cover] artists are donating to causes of their choosing, many others are joining us in donating to @BOLDblacklove

Sacred Bones: Donating all digital Bandcamp sales to the Loveland Foundation and the Nationwide Bail Fund.

Self Aware: Donating all Bandcamp sales to Black Visions Collective.

Suicide Squeeze: Donating the label’s share of Bandcamp sales to the Nationwide Bail Fund.

Take This To Heart: Donating all Bandcamp sales to the Act Blue bail fund.