We’ve been pretty pumped about the Jordan Peele-produced, Nia DiCosta-directed Candyman reboot ever since it became clear that this shit was actually going to happen after two decades of fits and starts, and now we’ve got our first look at the film in the form of a teaser poster that Universal dropped earlier on Tuesday. And, like most things that Peele attaches his name to, this looks pretty fucking cool! We hope you like honey and hooks, because you’re going to be seeing a lot more of them in the coming months.
Here’s the poster:

See, this is some pretty cool artwork — well-designed, evocative without being over-the-top, and just handsome in general — and we’re really excited to see what Peele and DaCosta have cooked up. And speaking of “seeing,” there’s a way for you to get a sneak peek at the movie right now.
Now, the first trailer for the film will hit theaters on Thursday, attached to prints of Leigh Whannell’s The Invisible Man (and it’s also probably going straight online, too, but we like to pretend that it’s the ’90s around these parts and getting a ticket for something like Meet Joe Black in order to see a trailer was still normal practice). But if you’ve got guts and a Twitter account, Jordan Peele’s got a little challenge for you. Click on the embedded tweet below and click on the “Tweet #Candyman” button, and you’ll get your own first look at the film. Fun!
I dare you to say his name.
— Jordan Peele (@JordanPeele) February 25, 2020
Click below to tweet #Candyman 5 times in one post. @CandymanMovie will haunt your feed with an exclusive first look. See the trailer on Thursday.
Candyman hits theaters on June 12, and if you need a refresher on all things Candyman, the original film is available for streaming on Netflix as of right now. It used to be a massive pain the ass to find online for about five years, so be thankful that it’s easy to access now. We’ll see you back here on Thursday for the trailer.