A fun Boston music scene game to play over the past few years has been seeing the word Baluchitherium plastered on show flyers all over town, and wondering how the fuck does one even pronounce that? Luckily for Vanyaland, we get to type it out without having to say it, and so today (November 1) we gleefully spell out word that Dug McCormack’s roots-tinged guitar-rock band born of cold beers and warm vibes is here with a new album titled Lost Glasses, Empty Love. Appropriately, the record release party goes down tonight at the Cantab Lounge in Cambridge.
Born before the Red Sox broke their curse but rounding into its current form only three years ago, Baluchitherium are forever the type of band one hopes to stumble upon playing on stage while walking into a cozy bar in an unfamiliar town; their sound is one that welcomes, that reflects a weathered life lived through daily highs and lows, and soundtracks a journey of “drinking, heartbreak, love, and drinking with a few laughs.”
Lost Glasses, Empty Love, recorded at Chillhouse Studio in Charlestown, reminds us that music is supposed to be fun, a link to bridge the widening gaps from one person to the next, and a reminder that you’re invited to the party — especially tonight’s in Central Square — regardless of your inability to pronounce band names.