This Show Is Tonight: Two Door Cinema Club play The House of Blues

Via Artist

Very few things truly make us feel our age these days, but the oncoming 10th anniversary of Two Door Cinema Club’s debut album Tourist History is certainly one of them. Luckily, that doesn’t hit until February 2020, so when the Irish indie band play The House of Blues tonight (September 16), much of the focus will be placed on their recent album, June’s False Alarm. Back in March we hyped Two Door Cinema Club’s vibrant, funk-fueled single “Talk”, and it’s getting us in the right mood before tonight’s show on Lansdowne. “It sounds like Two Door Cinema Club — not a Two Door Cinema Club there’d ever been before, but that’s what I love,” Alex Trimble said of the track earlier this year. “We can always do something new but it always feels like something we’ve done.” Welcome back an old friend to Boston tonight.