IFFBoston Preview Part I: Southern criminals, teenage soldiers, absurdist suburbanites

If you're a Boston-baserd cinephile, this is undoubtedly one of the most exciting times of the year for you, as the Independent Film Festival Boston has returned with one of their strongest line-ups ever. Running from April 24 through May 1 at the Brattle, Somerville and Coolidge Corner Theatres, there's so many great movies showing at this year's Festival that we've had to split our preview up into three parts. Check back soon for our second and third pieces about this year's lineup, but for now, here are some choice cuts from the first three days of the festival's programming. Tickets and more information are available at the IFFBoston website.

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Greener Grass

Friday, April 26 at 9:45 p.m. at the Brattle Theatre

Perhaps this film by Jocelyn DeBoer and Dawn Luebbe should have been shown on 4/20, given how hard it will make a certain well-fumigated segment of the audience laugh at this suburban satire, but regardless, if you have any interest in surrealist alt-comedy, you should buy a ticket for this ASAP. An absurdist skewering of suburban morals, there’s no real way that we can describe all the goofiness that occurs within this movie’s runtime without ruining it for you, though we tried our best back in January when we saw it at Sundance. Seriously, Adult Swim fans, check this one out. 

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