Photo Gallery: Saucy Lady’s ‘Supanova’ album release party at the ICA

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Editor's Note: Boston's Space Goddess of Funk, Saucy Lady, is taking her beat through the galaxy. The vocalist, songwriter, and DJ took to The Institute of Contemporary Art's First Fridays series for one full-sensory experience and space-aged throwdown to kick off the weekend (April 5), delivering new album Supanova -- out this month via Chicago's Star Creature Universal Vibrations -- to the masses with all the galactic ambition that could fit down in the Seaport's museum and exhibition space. Saucy Lady's live performance featured an eight-piece band that threw down a rocket-fueled set of jazz funk, b-boy breaks, and cosmic synths, all while the ICA people sipped starry-eyed cocktails designed by the musician herself. A vinyl DJ set by Star Creature Universal Vibrations' Tim Zawada, spinning Saucy Lady tracks, got the night started, and the whole party was a colorful merging of Boston music and fashion. Bina Zafar was at the ICA on behalf of Vanyaland to document the occasion, and you can scan through her full recap of the First Fridays evening -- including some shots of the ace Supanova album artwork, complete with Steven E. Gordon comic book, paper doll, and scratch and sniff sticker -- below.

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