Year In ReView: A collection of Vanyaland’s favorite tracks of 2018

The year 2018 can, will, and should be defined by many things. But for us here at Vanyaland, it was the year of the song. 2018 was a fantastic year for music, singles in particular -- short bursts of sonic brilliance that hit like a fist and lingered like a kiss, all in line with our ever-dwindling attention spans. Over the past 12 months Vanyaland Editor-in-Chief Michael Marotta and Assistant News Editor Victoria Wasylak documented all these brilliant songs as they hit each day in their New Sounds and Fast Tracked columns, daily hype pieces presenting what, in our opinions, were the best tracks of that particular day. Below is a collection of those columns from Marotta and Wasylak, as they were written that very day, shaping the sound of Vanyaland as one based deeply in alt-pop, but extending out to reflect not only Boston's diverse music scene, but the varied tones around the world that made the year so great. This collection is likely different than the other Best of 2018 lists floating around the internet, and that's by design -- here at Vanyaland, nothing trumps our genuine interest in a song we love and admire.

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Kate Nash, ‘Drink About You’: February 8

Kate Nash is here to break up and ‘Drink About You’

Kate Nash’s new single is about an “unhealthy obsession” with an ex. Well, now we have an “unhealthy obsession” with her latest single. And it’s hella refreshing.

The brilliant British lyricist and star of Netflix’s Glow is back to give us all the modern romance commentary we need in her infectious new single, a rousing bit of bubble-bursting indie-pop that we imagine what dating in Los Angeles must feel like (it also reminds us a bit of “Foundations”).

The video was directed by Holychild’s Liz Nistico and shot in the Los Angeles National Forest; of the song itself, Nash says that it’s “about breaking up with someone and becoming obsessed with an idea of who they are, to the point you can’t think of anything else or move on. It’s an unhealthy obsession, you imagine things are better than they are and latch on to whatever you can about the relationship that could be turned to good. And you deal with the pain in an unhealthy way, too.”

Drink about it.

— Michael Marotta

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