Adventure Set bask in the cheer of vintage synth-pop on ‘Plenty’

New Sounds: The Boston duo of Mark Pothier and Ken Scales serve up another delectable jam from their kitchen table

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Online music magazines like ours have spent a lot of digital ink over the past several years on projects described as “bedroom-pop.” Well, Adventure Set might be onto the next evolution of the genre — or at the very least a shift within the domicile — with something we’re dubbing “kitchen table-pop.” The veteran Boston synth-pop duo’s latest song “Plenty” is served up fresh from the Plymouth kitchen of songwriter and synth player Mark Pothier, who alongside vocalist Ken Scales have been providing an inspired dance beat to DIY ethos.

“Plenty”, which follows their more rave-leaving summer single “Lottery”, is a throwback new wave-ian number that recalls the buoyant bounce of Pet Shop Boys and Orchestral Maneuvers in the Dark. But there’s a darker undercurrent to its uplifting sonic aura.

“For this song, I wanted the lyrics to kind of toggle between regret and optimism, resolve and revenge,” Pothier tells Vanyaland. “The sound, I hope, is mostly cheerful — a real pop amusement ride — enough so that the darker tones only creep in from the sides. The coda is aimed at cooling things off a bit, and acknowledging that time is of the essence here — we’re not kids anymore.”

Regret and optimism, resolve and revenge — sounds like our kitchen at home. Get into “Plenty” via Bandcamp below, and serve it up at your next synth-pop supper.