People Who Could Fly frontman rescues kid’s rogue balloon during guitar solo

James Mills pulled off the quick-thinking maneuver during the Phoenix band's holiday balloon glow fest gig in Arizona

While it may not have launched their careers just yet, Phoenician three-piece People Who Could Fly are celebrating an unexpected boost in publicity, thanks to a fan-filmed video that reached the front page of Reddit.

The live clip, which features vocalist/guitarist James Mills rescuing and returning an escaped balloon to a little girl in the middle of a song, racked up nearly 35,000 up votes just eight hours after it was posted.

“I’m so surprised and excited that this video has gone so viral” says Mills, who posted the video of People Who Could Fly performing at the Holiday Balloon Glow festival over the weekend in Gilbert, Arizona. “It felt like such a special moment when I caught her balloon. We’re super lucky that I happened to have my camera on at the time! And […] that I actually caught the balloon!”

The video seems to be the ultimate in coincidences: The vocalist/guitarist of a band called People Who Could Fly, returning a fly-away balloon, at a hot air balloon festival, only to just hit the lyrics of “Thinking Out Loud” by Ed Sheeran. The band has been making Phoenicians smile for several years, but has now been able to brighten the day of thousands online.