Toro y Moi and Dizzy Fae live at Royale in Boston

Editor's Note: Toro y Moi is a mood. And that mood was not only on full display by Chaz Bear and his peoples Friday night (November 9) at Royale in Boston, but it's also conveyed wonderfully in the photo gallery below by Vanyaland's Emily Gardner. Awash in chill hues and a casual vibes, Toro y Moi was back in town previewing forthcoming album Outer Peace, which arrives January 18 via Carpark Records and acts as the proper follow-up to last year's underrated Boo Boo LP. “This record is a response to how disposable culture has become and how it affects creativity," Bear says. "While listening, you might pay attention or ignore -- either way that's ok, this is music for a creative mind.” Cheers to that, and his performance on Friday. Scan through Gardner's full gallery below, which starts with snaps from opener Dizzy Fae, the rising R&B/soul singer who has "future superstar" written across everything she does.

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