Sweden's ViVii hit us with ethereal dream-pop on 'Suckerpunch'

October is hectic as fuck. But there’s something very calming about ViVii’s ethereal, almost bewitching dream-pop sound on recent single “Suckerpunch”. And that’s because it takes you to a place where you are knocked the fuck out.
The Swedish trio today (October 23) have released a video for this swirling, dystopia-drunk single, and once you peel back the inevitable LDR comparisons, the song’s sonic layers begin to swirl upward. That’s perhaps because you’re laying on the ground facing skyward. “Been trying to stay out of trouble our whole lives, trying to do it all right,” ViVii say. “But that doesn’t really matter when life comes around and knocks you out cold with a suckerpunch.” The visual, then, “is the inner ‘movie’ that plays out in your head after you been suckerpunched unconscious.”
Like Mike Tyson once said, everyone has a plan until they are punched in the face. Us, well, we’ll take the peace and quiet any way we can get it.
Featured ViVii image by Rikkard Häggbom.