We’re not saying the world was a better place when all the indie bands from Britain wanted to make us dance, but those days sure were a lot more fun. Taking us back to a better time today is the return of Friendly Fires, the English trio raised on sweet Hawaiian air who issue a dance floor gauntlet in the shifty form of “Heaven Let Me In”. The track was co-produced with Disclosure and written one late night in the duo’s London studio. You can feel the energy within those walls burst out of the speakers. “‘Heaven Let Me In’ is a song about being comfortable in your own skin,” says Friendly Fires’ Ed Macfarlane. “When you stop trying so hard and embrace your imperfections then opportunities arise and doors open.” Friendly Fires will release their third LP sometime in 2019, and maybe by then we’ll all be dancing again. Heaven can wait.
Friendly Fires plead for divine acceptance on 'Heaven Let Me In'