Charli XCX and Troye Sivan tag team nostalgia in ‘1999’ video

Look, we can all agree that Charli XCX’s music video for “Boys” was a modern masterpiece. But there’s a big piece of us that would trade that beefcake wonderland for the pre-21st century wonderland in her new vid for “1999” with Troye Sivan.

Forget the predicable Titanic reference in the vid (and main pic); where else are you going to find Sivan wearing JT’s old ramen noodle hairdo or XCX naked and covered in roses a la American Beauty? Or see the duo doing the Matrix backflip one second and dancing on countertops as Sims the next? With ye olde product placement galore (Nokia, Hanes, Baby G, Apple), we can conclude that Miss XCX has an excellent memory, seeing that she was seven in ’99.

Charli’s still baiting us with new tour dates, but Sivan hits up The Boch Center’s Wang Theatre tomorrow (October 12). Consider this a visual warmup.