‘Holmes & Watson’ Trailer: The ‘Step Brothers’ become crime fighters

Holmes & Watson

We’ve had Holmes & Watson’s release date marked on our calendars for a while now — Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly in a film will automatically put our butts in seats — but for a second, it looked like it might never come out. There had only been rumblings about a trailer drop after their Cinemacon presentation and descriptions of the footage that was shown there, and every day it got closer to release with no actual proof that the film had been completed. Well, the day is finally here, Sony Pictures dropped a trailer for the film online late on Friday, given that it’s attached to prints of Night School. It looks, well, pretty funny.

Take a look:

Should you be concerned that we’re seeing a trailer this late in the game? Yeah, probably, but it’s not like we won’t be there to see this on the opening day, sporting a “Boats and Hoes” t-shirt. Plus, we love John C. Reilly, and the world is a much better place with him in it doing broad comedy (if you like him, check out The Sisters Brothers, in which he is very much the heart and soul of the picture). All and all, this isn’t probably going to be as great as Step Brothers or Talladega Nights or even their rendition of the classic David Bowie/Bing Crosby “Little Drummer Boy” duet, but it may very well be fun.

Here’s a synopsis: “The ‘Step Brothers’ are reunited — this time playing the world’s greatest consulting detective and his loyal biographer — as Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly star as ‘Holmes & Watson.'”

Holmes & Watson hits theaters on December 21.

Featured image via Screenshot.