Shungudzo just dropped one of the catchiest songs of 2018 in ‘Paper’

Shungudzo is out here chasing “Paper”, and now we’re all out here chasing her. The Stanford University engineering major, whose family migrated from Zimbabwe to America when she was a child, today delivers her first official single, and the beat-driven track has bounced firmly onto our Best of 2018 lists. This could very well be the catchiest damn song of the year, a track pretty much guaranteed to take up permanent residence in your headspace. Shungudzo, who also goes by “Shun” (rhymes with “moon”), breaks down the track like this: “’Paper’ is about seeking money to find happiness only to realize that, often, it means losing happiness — and maybe even losing oneself — in the process. It is inspired by my family’s immigration to ‘the promised land,’ and the realization that the promised land is more notorious for breaking promises than it is for keeping them.” Our happiness is found in incredible new music, and “Paper” has us all smiles. Shungudzo’s debut EP hits later this year, and we can hardly wait. Featured image by Charlotte Baker.