Anemone’s synths chase after the horizon on new track ‘Daffodils’

As summer begins to fade into the rearview, Montreal’s Anemone have bestowed a flowery n’ fragrant parting gift upon us. Their new sparse but synth-laden track “Daffodils” knows how to steam up a room, conjuring up a dreamy vapor to circle through the “hole in your head” that lead singer Chloé Soldevila says she desperately wants to be. “The song ‘Daffodils’ is about being strong and positive, as in fearless and able to let go of someone who is not good for you despite your attachment,” she says. “I felt like the depiction of the track would need to be in a place where you could feel the metaphor of a vast horizon of open possibilities. Wide and magical open spaces are so powerful to me.” Featured photo courtesy of Grandstand.