Brooklyn’s That Feeling When brings a David Bowie tribute to Cambridge

From “Heroes” and Videodrome to Daily Pravda performances and everything in between and in the corners, Boston has experienced its fair share of David Bowie tribute parties. We’re all still reeling from the Duke’s death in January 2016, but his music lives on forever, and another celebration lands at The Middle East in Cambridge this Saturday (August 25).

It’s billed “Let’s Dance Party, a Tribute to David Bowie”, put on by local party people Spacey Presents, and features Brooklyn’s That Feeling When. Back in May, the live band performed their Bowie flair in front of 2,000 heads at the Brooklyn Museum’s “Night of 1,000 Bowies” party, and now their rolling north for our kind of Cat People.

“That Feeling When is putting out a call to all the Starmen, Diamond Dogs, Thin White Dukes, and Space Oddities across the greater Boston area: ‘Put on your red shoes and dance the blues with us,'” the band states. “Even when not channeling the spirit of Mr. Bowie for an entire set, That Feeling When still delivers an all-killer, no-filler dance party, covering the biggest hits and forgotten classics of the late-’70s and early-’80s.”

The night is sponsored by Lord Hobo Brewing Company and features a David Bowie costume competition with appropriate prizes. Peep the promo video below for a closer look at what’s in store. Featured image via