Rival Island transport us back to the roller rink on ‘Come Crawlin”


Studio 52 is a community artist space located in the heart of Allston, and is proud to support the Boston music scene and local artist community.

When we last caught up with Rival Island back in November of last year, the Massachusetts guitar-pop group were busy letting Barstool Sports’ Jared Carrabis get all sorts of judgmental inside a dive bar on the Lynn/Saugus border. Well, we’re all much older now and with that age comes with some maturity, so the dudes have shifted focus from the townie talent shows to the roller rink.

And with that shift comes all the things we experienced in those casual days growing up a the rink — romantic crushes, high fashion on quad skates, and the occasional twisted ankle.

Those and more are on display in “Come Crawlin'”, Rival Island’s new video out today (August 3) that sets the tone for their August 15 show at The Middle East with Dylan Gardner and Chris Ruediger. The band’s vintage sound is a perfect fit for a spin around the ol’ skating rink.

“The video was filmed in Beverly at the Roller Palace and the direction was influenced by Coen Brothers films,” the band tells Vanyaland. “We wanted it to be a lighthearted but also we wanted to film it with darker imagery because we believe the song has some of those undertones. Think of it like a moodier version of Dazed and Confused where it captures romance youth but in a quirky yet artistic way.”

The “Come Crawlin'” video was directed and produced by longtime Rival Island collaborator Aviv Marotz, and we strongly suggest pairing up with the clip below.