‘Assassination Nation’ Red Band Trailer: Privacy is for losers

Look, we know that a green-band trailer came out today for Sam Levinson’s blood-soaked social media satire Assassination Nation, but honestly why would you ever watch that unless you’re forced to while you’re at work? Besides, for a movie that’s all about the need for and necessity of privacy, why wouldn’t you just go ahead and watch the fucking thing while you’re there? Fuck your boss, he should be able to respect the fact that you might have interests other than what’s best for your given company, and, as well, why the fuck should he be able to spy on what you’re doing on your computer? What happened to our rights? Isn’t this America, man?

Anyways, here’s the trailer. It’s got blood and gore and swearing and sex, so you know it’s going to have some people clutch their pearls, even if it’s rather tame compared to pretty much every other genre film that’s going to be released this year. Take a look:

So, yeah: This is a better look at the film than the trigger-filled braggadocio that was the film’s teaser, but we’re still kind of stuck on something about this one.

Perhaps it’s Levinson’s direction (and we could say that his particular talent run in the family, given that his father is director Barry Levinson), which seems stylish and cool in all of the generic right ways. Or maybe it’s the cast, who are doing that anesthetised Heathers bullshit that only some movies can pull off well enough these days. Or maybe it’s that the inevitable comparisons to The Purge movies makes it feel a bit lacking thematically.

Either way, we’ll still see this (and we’re looking forward to it pleasantly surprising us!), but we’re just concerned, given that this should be extremely our shit, and it just isn’t at the moment. Here’s a synopsis:

“High school senior Lily and her group of friends live in a haze of texts, posts, selfies and chats just like the rest of the world. So, when an anonymous hacker starts posting details from the private lives of everyone in their small town, the result is absolute madness, leaving Lily and her friends questioning whether they’ll live through the night.”

And here’s the Green Band trailer, if you’re really that much of a loser:

Assassination Nation hits theaters on September 21.

Featured image via NEON.