
The Breeders and Melkbelly live at The House of Blues

Editor's Note: This past Friday was May 4, and you likely heard someone, somewhere, say "May the fourth be with you," a cheeky Star Wars play on "May the force be with you." It's fine, it really is, but by our watch, we only know one true force, and that's Kim Deal. Friday night she brought The Breeders back to Boston for a show at The House of Blues, and Scott Murry was on-hand basking in the lights of Lansdowne to capture some evidence for a gallery.

"The Breeders came out strong with 'New Year' from their pivotal 1993 release Last Splash, and followed up with 'Wait in the Car' from this year's All Nerve," Murry says. "The two albums served as the primary base for the evening's strong set list. Breathing new approaches into the 25-year-old classics, guitarist Kelly Deal sang the violin section of 'Driving on 9' with sister Kim joining at end of the 'solo' to big applause. During one track, Kelly joked about having all of the lights dimmed except hers for a solo. She wanted to be 'like Liza Minnelli,' to which bassist Josephine Wiggs replied, 'in more ways than one.'"

Opening the show were Chicago's Melkbelly, whose debut LP was released last fall on Wax Nine Records, the inaugural offering from the label founded by Sadie Dupuis. "Lead Miranda Winters yells in the mic with hysteric yelps," Murry adds. "The rhythms jump all over to contort where the listener's ear anticipates going. Escalating riffs, bludgeoning bass drum and scattered, chaotic snares culminate in an exhilarating pace. Both in sound and in popping blood vessels, one track was reminiscent of Nirvana's 'Aneurysm' or deeper cuts from Incesticide."

That's a lot of force for one Friday night. Scan through Murry's full gallery below.

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