Unknown Mortal Orchestra and Makeness live at Royale

Editor's Note: Sometimes it's a Monday night in Boston's Theatre District and you find yourself at Royale to see Unknown Mortal Orchestra for a little live music action. But maybe you get there late (MBTA, argh) and the room is full and you're stuck up in the balcony near those fancy-ass couches and you have to look around the shoulders of Tall Guy (Why Is Tall Guy Always In Front Of Me No Matter Where I Stand At Shows) but it's kind of OK because Royale is loud and has generally solid sight lines and you're still close to the bar which is good even though it's Monday. Suddenly, UMO's Ruban Nielson vacates the stage and makes his way into the crowd... and then the balcony... and then the side booths... and then all over the place, shredding away on his guitar, doing the damn business, and you now have a front-row seat of the action and you realize why you love music and why you went out on a Monday in April in the first place. Emily Gardner was there, too, and you can scan through her gallery below, including a few shots of opener Makeness.

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