IFFBoston Preview 2: Thai prison, long-lost triplets, a drug-dealing Timothée Chalamet

It's hard to believe that it's already that time of year, but the Independent Film Festival Boston (henceforth referred to as IFFBoston), the city's largest gathering of the cinephiles, is upon us. This year's line-up is one of the best in recent memory, as it's positively chock-full of amazing and interesting titles, which will show from April 25 to May 2 at a variety of theaters across the city. Here's our second round of recommended titles, whose screenings take place over the weekend. We have the return of the "Godfather of Mumblecore," a doc about two Godfathers of underground punk, a coming of age tale, and some major festival hits. Be sure to check out the first post and to come back tomorrow, when we'll be covering the last three days of the festival.

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First Reformed

We were excited to see Paul Schrader’s new film at SXSW, but timing, scheduling and a little snow prevented us from checking out the Taxi Driver scribe and Mishima director’s latest, which features Ethan Hawke as a pastor going through a long and terrible dark night of the soul after his wife’s passing. He encounters a pregnant woman (Amanda Seyfried) and her volatile environmentalist husband, and soon finds himself in over his head. It’s a crie de coeur from American cinema’s most unique figures, and it sounds, by all accounts, incredible. Schrader himself will be in attendance, though you might not want to piss him off with your dumb questions. And for the love of god, don’t pitch him your screenplay.

‘FIRST REFORMED’ :: Sunday, April 29 at The Somerville Theatre, 55 Davis Square in Somerville, MA :: 6 p.m., all ages, $12 to $20 :: Advance tickets

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