‘Deadpool 2’ Final Trailer: Meet Peter, your new favorite X-Man

Sure, this final Deadpool 2 trailer has all the badass action and metatextual wisecracks that we’ve come to expect from Ryan Reynolds’ take on the Merc with the Mouth. It’s got Josh Brolin’s Cable laying waste to motherfuckers, it’s got lots of T.J Miller (YUCK), and Domino (Zazie Beetz) being cool as fuck. Pretty good, right? Well, there’s one thing that’s really piqued our interest about this movie, and it’s not what you might expect.

His name is Peter, and he’s one of the newest recruits for X-Force, Deadpool’s team of mutant superheroes, and he’s the best thing to ever happen to Wade Wilson.

Keep your eyes out for him in the trailer:

Yep, he doesn’t have any super powers or anything, he just saw the ad. Played by Rob Delaney, Peter is the kind of aspirational superhero that we’ve been needing for a long time in these kinds of movies. Leave it to Deadpool to open up heroics to the common man. Also, you might want to check out Peter’s Twitter, where he gives you great tips on Beekeeping and comments on current events and pop culture.

Deadpool 2 hits theaters on May 18. We can only hope for more Peter.

Featured image via screenshot.