3TEETH, Ho99o9, and Street Sects live at Brighton Music Hall

Editor's Note: We warned you back in February. One of the more intriguing tour packages barnstorming across the country this spring is the genre-fucked paring of Los Angeles industrial swagger mavens 3TEETH and Jersey-born, LA-marinated hip-hop terror squad Ho99o9. That bout of musical intensity rolled into Brighton Music Hall on Tuesday night (April 10), a highly visual and audible affair that had the group's various members both on stage and up in the rafters. Showing off their chemistry, 3TEETH and Ho99o9 teamed up earlier this year for a pair of singles ("Time's Up" and "Lights Out") and the combined fury is something to behold. Ted Petrosky was in the Allston joint to capture visuals of it all, wresting the strobes, the beats, and the suffocating energy in the room. Scan through his full gallery below, which includes a few snaps of show opener Street Sects, whose set rotated out blinding strobes with total darkness. Fitting.

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