Watch Han Solo roll with a crew in latest ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ trailer

ABC decided to give the nerdy children of the world a gift on Sunday night by putting a brand-spanking new trailer for Solo: A Star Wars Story in the middle of their broadcast of the new American Idol. We were too busy being cool to watch it live (Wrestlemania is for grown-ups, right?), but it’s hit the internet now for all to enjoy.

It’s our first honest glimpse at the plot of the film: Han and company have to take down a gangster played by Paul Bettany, and we get a few great moments between Han and Chewie (and Donald Glover’s Lando as well). It’s up to you to decided wither Alden Ehrenreich is good for the part — we think he is, for the record — but it’s sure to be a controversial recasting regardless. Still, this looks better than anything we could have hoped for, given all the drama of the past year.

Solo: A Star Wars Story hits theaters on May 25.