‘Ant-Man and the Wasp’ trailer: *insert ‘size doesn’t matter’ pun here*

Well, we’re gonna come out and say it: 2015’s Ant-Man is probably the most underrated Marvel Studios film for a number of reasons (its got the best joke about The Cure’s Disintegration since that South Park episode some 20 years ago, so that’s good enough for us to love it), but it made enough money to get a sequel, so here we are.

And guess what? The first trailer for Ant-Man and the Wasp looks pretty damn good! Come for the incredible shrinking man and woman, stay for the incredible shrinking… car and building?

We’re not underwhelmed!

The gang’s all back together (Yay! Paul Rudd! Yay! Michael Douglas!) and though we didn’t get a glimpse of her, we’ll be seeing Michelle fuckin’ Pfeiffer as Janet Van Dyne, the original Wasp. It’s exciting to see director Peyton Reed draw from other science-fiction influences this time around (the fact that we’re even getting hints of a Fantastic Voyage-like exploratory vessel going through the micro-verse is dope as fuck), and it’s also nice to know that there’s enough creativity in the Marvel braintrust to make fun size-manipulating action sequences without the help of Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish.

Obviously we’re very curious about this one given that it’s going to be the first Marvel film to be set after Infinity War, but there aren’t a whole lot of tells here if you’re interested in the state of the MCU after everything.

Still, this looks pretty good!

Ant-Man and the Wasp hits theaters on July 6.

Featured image via trailer screenshot.