Please don’t have sex with the pizza, cruise line asks of Holy Ship! party people

UPDATE January 11: Turns out the “No sex with pizza” notice was a prank pulled by one of Holy Ship!’s guests. Noisey did some old-fashioned journalism and confirmed it with Norwegian Cruise Line, who disputed the note. Oh well, despite this one being a ruse, it’s still good advice: Do not have sex with pizza, on a boat, on land, or in the air. Vanyaland has no regrets.


There are very few rules on a cruise ship.

Not having sex with pizza is one of them, apparently.

At least that’s the request allegedly made by Norwegian Cruise Line, which has reportedly asked party people attending the Holy Ship! EDM cruise to please not engage in sexual intercourse with the pizza. Photos of the printed request, titled “Open Pizza Bar for Consumption Only,” have been making the rounds online since the ship left Port Canaveral, Florida, over the weekend. Kill The Noise snapped one, and you can read it below.

Of course, the note — which we’re assuming is real because nothing surprises us anymore — was deemed necessary after incidents in the past. No names have been named, thankfully.

“Due to incidents on previous sailings in which patrons engaged in uncouth behavior in the cafe, we feel it is our duty to remind our guests that pizza is for eating, not fornicating,” writes Norwegian. “Sexual acts with our handcrafted pizza can bring unintended health consequences and can pose a safety hazard for other passengers aboard our journey.”

Norwegian also says that sexual acts with cuisine are “not only frowned upon but are prohibited by maritime law,” and asks anyone suffering from Sitophilia to seek help on the ship’s medical deck.

Headlining this week’s Holy Ship! 10.0 are A-Trak, Bauer, Gorgon City, and more, with Boston’s Soul Clap also featured. The cruise made headlines over the weekend when dozens were arrested when trying to board and charged with drug possession, including performing DJ Gina Turner. Earlier today, Turner disputed the arrest and charge.

[h/t YourEDM; pizza photo via Wikipedia commons]