Avengers Disassembled: Taking apart the ‘Infinity War’ trailer shot-by-shot

If you're anything like me, you woke up this morning knowing that the trailer for Avengers: Infinity War was going to drop and you probably planned your whole day around it. You probably didn't know that it was going to premiere on fucking Good Morning America, which is pretty damn great because you can be in bed before 11 since it isn't going to be on Jimmy Kimmel after all.

Anyways, I've spent most of my life in the thrall of Marvel's creations, so I figured I'd walk you through some of the cool bits of the trailer and tie together some of the new details to other previously released materials and some other spoilery goodness. So we'll take it shot by shot, and dive into cracking the puzzle that is Infinity War.

Warning: Spoilers Will Follow

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Another freak-out moment for the Comic-Con audience was the reveal of Peter wearing the super high-tech Spidey suit that Tony made for him at the end of Homecoming, and it’s even cooler in HD.

He’s riding the Onion Ring, which I’ll finally just come out and say that I think they’re trying to dig up the damn Soul Stone, which is embedded in the Earth (much like the Celestial Egg was in Jonathan Hickman’s SHIELD series) and is responsible for shaping the lives of our heroes so that they could prevent a mad man from acquiring all of the stones. So, fuck. That’s not good.

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