Watch Anal C*nt guitarist Josh Martin heckle Gene Simmons at show in Providence

Over the weekend KISS guy Gene Simmons was in Providence to attend Rhode Island Comic Con. On Sunday night (November 12), he performed a solo gig at the Veterans Memorial Auditorium, and during a weird mid-show presentation where the rock legend was presented a key to the city by East Providence City Councilman Brian Faria, a heckler interrupted the event.

That heckler, as it turns out, was Anal Cunt guitarist Josh Martin, who from his balcony seat shouted very Anal Cunt things like:

— “Is this a fucking joke?”
— “Shut up and play your guitar!”
— “I didn’t pay to see a politician!”
— “Ace is better than this!”

Simmons clearly heard Martin’s words, and interrupted Faria’s introduction by saying “Put the lights on, I wanna see where this jackass is.” Simmons then proceeded to walk through the crowd and up towards the balcony, where then Martin was probably ejected.

Who knows? Who cares! He got his shots in, and you can watch video of the whole shitshow below.

As Lambgoat notes, Martin played guitar in the Boston grindcore band from 1996 to their demise in 2011, caused by the death of frontman Seth Putnam, who no doubt would have thought the whole thing was lame.