Killing Is His Business: Dave Mustaine slashes ravers in ‘Halloween Pussy Trap Kill! Kill!’

Here’s a concept: Imagine the Saw chronicles’ evil mastermind Jigsaw, but voiced by Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine.

This weekend, as diehard horror fans line up to see the eighth installment of the (seemingly never-ending) Saw series, Halloween Pussy Trap Kill! Kill! is offering moviegoers that very alternative villain.

Which makes perfect sense, of course, because according to Megadeth lore, killing has been Mustaine’s business since 1985.

The work of film producer and “b-movie godfather” Roger Goreman, Halloween Pussy Trap Kill! Kill! is a grindhouse-style, metal-fueled romp in a similar format to the Saw saga, except our new and mysterious bad guy is voiced by Mustaine himself, and his victims are all ravers from a band named Kill Pussy Kill. The film, which will be released in select theaters across the United States this Friday (October 27), will make its Massachusetts debut at the Regent Theatre, screening at the Arlington movie house through Thursday (November 2).

The weekend screenings of the film will take place in the Regent Underground Theatre (The “RUT”), and later will be moved to the Regent’s big screen starting on Monday (October 30).

Regent Theatre co-owner Leland Stein found out about the flick from indie film distributor Doug Kluthe, who currently works with New-England-based event production company DRK Productions.

“It just seemed like a cool under-the-radar pulp horror film — perfect to feature during the Halloween season and a throwback to the type of ‘fright night’ b-movies that were so prevalent decades ago,” Stein says. “[It’s] not high-culture or politically correct in any way, shape, or form, but there’s definitely an audience for this type of movie, and the metal-focused soundtrack is appealing.”

The background tunes certainly offer the film an extra boost to its alt cred (featuring music from Jyrki 69, Ministry, Descartes A Kant, and The Anix), and paired with plentiful, campy gristle n’ gore, Halloween Pussy Trap Kill! Kill! is slated to be a (really fucking weird) scream this Halloweekend.

‘HALLOWEEN PUSSY TRAP! KILL! KILL!’ :: Thursday, October 27 to Thursday, November 2 at The Regent Theatre, 7 Medford St. in Arlington, MA :: Various times, all ages, $10 :: Advance tickets