A Killer Cure Collected: Vanyaland + Hojoko Present HalloVVeen 2017

There’s a lot of spooky blues floating around town this month, but Vanyaland and Hojoko are teaming up for one Killer Cure come October 31 — our latest HalloVVeen party.

This year we land in the Fenway for a fright-night outlined in pink, a proper headlining event to an extended weekend of Halloween spectaculars; blending some old, some new, and some fine-tuned beats and treats from the bloody depths of Hojoko’s izakaya bunker.

Join us Halloween night as we welcome live performances by gloom-pop trio CONTACT as The Cure and alternative dance-punk sparkplugs Western Education as The Killers, capped off by a closing dance party from CLLCTV, the DJ crew behind the Boston Music Award-nominated party The Wave at Middlesex.

Vanyaland will also be providing giveaways and a spooky-tuned soundtrack early on, and there will be a costume contest judged — fiercely, harshly, but fairly — by the one and only Ari Zona.

Make sure that HalloVVeen costume of yours will s u r v i v e the weekend, because this year Halloween doesn’t conclude until the last beat drops after midnight.

Our party is FREE With your RSVP, so sign up below, and start sharpening those bangs.

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