Natalie Portman faces a terrifying new kind of ‘it’ in the first ‘Annihilation’ trailer

Natalie Portman thrilled us all to the point of forking over an Oscar in 2010 with Black Swan, and in 2018, she’s angling to do it all over again, sci-fi-style, in Annihilation.

The teaser for the forthcoming flick, due out in 2018, dropped today, and it features Portman, Jennifer Jason Leigh, and Tessa Thompson. In the clip, which is less than two minutes, we see Portman playing a biologist who’s being questioned about an unnamed entity they merely refer to as “it” (no — not that IT). Much like Portman and the crew questioning her, the audience seems to know little more than that, although the background music tells us something’s definitely awry here.

The movie is based on the novel of the same name by Jeff Vandermeer, and was directed by Alex Garland, of Ex Machina fame. We’ll be hanging in suspense for a few months over this one before we get any answers, but fire up your theories now (or just read the book) and check out the trailer below.

Annihilation is out February 23, 2018.