Today is gonna be the day that they’re gonna not let you play ‘Wonderwall’


A busker in Denmark has been sent home by police for his poor street performance of “Wonderwall.”

According to the Independent, via Consequence of Sound, an unidentified street musician was performing the Oasis mega-hit in the city of Aalborg on August 17. He was approached by officials and promptly sent home, as police say he was playing the song very poorly.

The Nordjyllands Politi released a statement on the matter, titled: “TODAY IS GONNA BE THE DAY THAT THEY’RE GONNA THROW IT BACK TO YOU.”

Here’s the statement, via Google translator.

“A guitarist had met before 7/11 on Bispensgade in Aalborg on Thursday 17 August.

The guitarist played loud, bad and noisy. He did not sound like Liam Gallagher.

A patrol talked to the singer and sent him home to practice.

Just because you can play Wonderwall does not mean you should.”

Oasis frontman Liam Gallagher plays Boston’s House of Blues on November 25. Pre-party in front of the 7/11 in Kenmore Square.