New Sounds: Neon Trees return with spring in their step on ‘Feel Good’

Neon Trees have been on a bit of a hiatus, and when we mentioned last month that we’ve been missing their style of pop, it’s almost like they heard us.

The band released their single “Feel Good” today, another blithe TGIF bop that perfectly aligns with the sound of “Animal” and “Everybody Talks.”

The song marks their first new music together since the release of non-album single “Songs I Can’t Listen To” from 2015. Prior to that, the band’s last studio album, Pop Psychology, was released in 2014. The band wrote a note on Facebook to fans on July 28, announcing they they’d be releasing new music the following week.

“It’s been 3 years since our last album, and after years of being a band together, touring the world and living the dreams of our youth, we took an important break… one that’s refreshed all of us and refocused what our band is and what we want to do next,” the note reads. “Thank you for being with us all these years, and we can’t wait to show you all what we’ve been up to and what we have in store.”

During the band’s timeout, both lead singer Tyler Glenn and drummer Elaine Bradley worked on solo material, with Glenn releasing music in his own name, and Bradley making music with side project Kissed Out.

The tune oversimplifies mental health woes a bit — “Are you anxious? A little depressed?/Let’s feel good again, feel good again” Glenn sings in a way that paints a mental picture his smile — but aside from that, the track sets Neon Trees exactly where the left off a few years ago.

Roll the windows down on your way from work and blast the tune via Spotify.

Featured Neon Trees photo via Facebook.