Morrissey’s U.S. dates revealed, including October show at The Orpheum

UPDATE: The show has been pushed back to, and confirmed for, December 7 at The Orpheum. Get ticket info here.

It’s now been three full years since Morrissey’s last studio album — summer 2014’s World Peace Is None of Your Business — and yet, the former Smiths’ singer has remained firmly in the news. Whether it’s some peculiar comments coming from his mouth through the usual “approved” online outlets or a re-issue/re-package of a classic Smiths album (currently it’s The Queen Is Dead), there is no shortage of Moz headlines dominating your news feed. And then there’s all that jazz about his unofficial biopic, England Is Mine.

But here’s a headline that both fans and non-fans can enjoy together: Morrissey will be performing live in the United States this fall.

The former will no doubt jump at a chance to see the man in action, while the latter have already lined up their best cancelation zinger.

Those in Boston can direct their love or wrath towards an October 3 show at The Orpheum Theatre in Boston. Other dates include Philadelphia, Columbus, Seattle, and a pair of San Francisco shows.

We’ll post ticket info for the Orpheum gig when it goes live, but our guess is that tickets will go on sale either this Friday or next. Shouts to Spotify for the leak.

More to come…