Manchester crowd spontaneously sings Oasis’ ‘Don’t Look Back In Anger’ after moment of silence

This morning in Manchester, a city still struggling with Monday’s terrorist attack turned to one of the world’s great healing powers: Music.

According to reports by the Guardian and Telegraph, the English city paused to mark a moment of silence at St. Ann’s Square for the victims of the attack that killed 22 and wounded dozens more just after an Ariana Grande concert at Manchester Arena. After a minute of silence, one woman began singing Oasis’ “Don’t Look Back In Anger.”

The spontaneous gesture then spread to the crowd, who joined in and sang along.

The woman who started the sing-along, Lydia Bernsmeier-Rullow, was approached by the Guardian’s Josh Halliday, and she told him the following: “Don’t look back in anger’ — that’s what this is about. We can’t be looking backward to what happened, we have to look forwards to the future… We’re all going to join together, we’re all going to get on with it because that’s what Manchester does.”

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