Photo Gallery: Pixies and Cymbals Eat Guitars live at the House of Blues in Boston

Photo Credit: Ben Stas for Vanyaland

Editor's Note: Pixies came, Pixies saw, Pixies conquered. The legendary Massachusetts alt-rock band took over the weekend, performing a sonic hat trick of three sold out shows across multiple venues: twice at the House of Blues (May 19 and 20) and a Sunday night closer at the Paradise Rock Club. Last week, our interview with bassist Paz Lenchantin gave us a glimpse into what to expect from the modern-day Pixies show, fresh off the release of last year's excellent Head Carrier LP. And as the dust settles, Ben Stas provides a visual look, getting up close with the band during Saturday night's House Of Blues gig on Lansdowne. Check out his full gallery below, including some ace shots of Brooklyn's Cymbals Eat Guitars, a band aided by the drumming skills of Bon Savants stickman Andy Dole.

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