The most unexpected and fascinating names to appear on the new season of ‘Twin Peaks’

Yesterday, we brought you a list of musicians that we were excited to see on screen in the new season of David Lynch and Mark Frost’s Twin Peaks, which premieres on Showtime this Sunday (May 21) at 9 p.m..

We thought it only fitting to return back to the same 217-person cast list that we pulled that list from, and find the most unexpected and fascinating names on that list from all other walks of life -- actors, athletes, stuntmen -- and use that as a way to preview how different and unexpected this new season might be.

Unexpected, yes -- just like David Lynch doing the Ice Bucket Challenge.

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Balthazar Getty

When David Foster Wallace wrote his now-classic essay about the making of Lynch’s 1997 neo-noir Lost Highway, he talked a lot of shit about young Hollywood heartthrob Balthazar Getty, who was playing A Mechanic In Trouble. Now 20 years later, the actor’s reuniting with Lynch after a mid-career lull in work, and we have to say that we’re cautiously interested about what the hell he’s going to be doing in this new season. Here’s Getty staring lustily at Patricia Arquette, all set to Lou Reed, from that classic.

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