
‘The Last Jedi’: A shot-by-shot breakdown of this fascinating new ‘Star Wars’ galaxy

So you’ve seen the pants-wettingly good new trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and you’re probably wondering what all of it means. Well, luckily for you, we spent plenty of time reading Star Wars tie-in novels and visual guides (and also getting plenty of wedgies) in our youth and are here to break it down for you.

Here’s a slideshow of all of the important stuff we’ve gleaned from a scant two minutes of footage, and there’s a lot of it! Jump down to the bottom to revisit the teaser trailer and its very-cool poster.

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This is our most explicit shot of Rey’s “Jedi” training, and it’s the most Karate Kid shot in the history of the franchise. It’s also dope as hell.

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